Vanessa Pinello

That first time at CHAKTI was so hard, so fun, and so eye opening. I could actually “feel” the excitement in the room and, as I looked around, what I looked like didn't matter. I say this wholeheartedly because, to me, How I looked really, really did matter, and not in a good way. In this atmosphere, it really didn't. Since we both had so much fun, we approached you and Amber for the info on the class, talked about it on the way home, and came to a Saturday class... or two... or three... and started a fun new tradition for every Saturday morning. In that room, we felt that same acceptance and lack of judgement, and it was empowering. It catapulted me to continue with weeknight classes, special events, and workshops. Even then, being new to CHAKTI, I knew that it was having a positive effect on who I was, who I was projecting, and how I felt; mind, body, spirit. Once I went to CHAKTI 101, I began to see/know why. Even so, never would I have imagined how I would be affected on a soul level from embracing CHAKTI, its purpose and practice as time went on.

Simultaneously, by late fall, my weightloss began to make itself evident, and I began to understand that I didn’t just love/enjoy the practice itself for its physical benefits, but I loved the person that I was becoming- or allowing- outwardly, and inwardly. My “not good enough” began to get somewhat of an argument when it began to bubble up inside me, because I was being true to myself and wasn't about to allow anyone to tell me who or what I was, or what i was capable of, not even myself. I realized, at the age of 46 that there were other people like me. People who didn't have to talk about other people to have a conversation, people who could share their thoughts respectfully and without judgement, people who are out to HELP others… just because they can. You see, this wasn't only about yoga. For me, this was at a pivotal time in my life, when my Luigi was away at college and I was missing him, when I was struggling with my career choice, when my self esteem really needed some boosting.

Your words at the end of classes, on posts, in conversation… they were more important than ever. Coupled with practicing CHAKTI multiple times per week, I began to evolve and change. My vibration, self esteem, looks, feelings, communication, acceptance... it all began to resonate with coming from a place of love inside myself. Once this happened, relationships in every part of my life began to strengthen, or crumble, depending on their makeup. Feelings that you’d described in CHAKTI 101 (with the reasons for them) began to make more and more sense… but truly no one can appreciate CHAKTI and it's value unless they personally experience it.


Sarah Eiley